
The ACTSR offers a platform to Corporate Treasurers or other people, who by reason of their profession are interested in the cash and risk management techniques, corporate finance, and other treasury related issues and processes commonly used by companies.

This non profit organisation is currently composed of members active directly or indirectly in the corporate treasury function.Association Members are invited regularly for short presentations. These meetings offer a unique opportunity to discuss the main development in the profession.


Why the Corporate Treasurers Club did become an association ?`

 First, the sharp increase in membership from roughly 50 members to 150 justified in itself a more appropriate organisation.

Second, the Committee wanted to increase the transparency of our organisation. We need a clear corporate governance structure.

 Third, we need to exchange information with other Association of Corporate Treasurers. Are you interested to reinvent the wheel ?    we have very little time to do so. We prefer to discuss with peers and first see how they manage the same problem. This require us to join them in their effort to coordinate international organisation of Corporate Treasurers. They welcome us but there is no room for”clubs” in their effort.

Those who appreciated the Club should not worry: We are still a group of people willing to exchange views in a cosy environment.  We just need to adapt the organisation to the way it works with others.

The ACTSR offers a platform to Corporate Treasurers or other people, who by reason of their profession are interested in the cash and risk management techniques, corporate finance, and other treasury related issues and processes commonly used by companies.
The Association welcomes the application of practitioners involved in corporate treasury activities.
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